Large Circle
- Circle Up
- Circle South (Clockwise, Left)
- Circle North (Line of Dance, Right)
- Inside-Out Circle (Rip and Snort
- Thread the Needle
- Wind the Ball of Yarn
- Basket Circle (Hands clasped inside or outside)
- Right & Left Grande
- Tunnel/London Bridge
- Kings and Queens Highway (& variations)
- Cross W in front of M
- Arches
- Dips and Dives
Note: Lead Stands on the Left
- Wring the Dishrag
- California Turn
- Do-si-doe
- Courtesy Turn
- Allemande Swing (hold forearms)
- Elbow Swing
- Pretzel
- Octopus
Partner Hand Holds
Partner Hand Holds
- W Hold
- V Hold
- Varsouvienne Position/ Shoulder Skater Position
- Promenade Position/Front Skater
- Rear Skater Position (R hand held behind W, L hand held in front of M)
- Courtesy Turn Position
Small Circle
Small Circle
- There are two couples in each small circle, arranged as part of a large circle.
- The inside couple is "odd couple", the outside couple is "even".
- Odd couple rotates after each figure to the next couple, counter clockwise.
- Circle left one rotation each time a new couple enters the small circle.
- 4 Leaf Clover
- Dive For the Oyster (Dig for the Clam, Shoot Through the Hold in the Old Tin Can)
- Right Hands Across/Left Hands Across; Star
- Chase the Rabbit (or Squirrel or Girl), Chase the Possum (or Coon or Boy), Swing the Barn Door
- Georgia Rang-a-Tang (swing corner R, pass through R shoulders, swing partner L, pass through L shoulders)
- Turning 1/4 or 1/2
- Trading Rows
- Columns
- V
- Diagonals
- Wave/Zig Zag (holding hands)
- Pinwheel
- X
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