

Four organizations sanction clogging competitions in the United States:

1. National Clogging Organization (C.L.O.G.)

    • National Clogging and Hoedown Council (NCHC) is a division of the National Clogging Organization
    • National Championships at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee each Labor Day Weekend

2. America's Clogging Hall of Fame

    • Competitions held in North and South Carolina
    • ACHF National Championships at the Stompin' Grounds in Maggie Valley, North Carolina the last full weekend in October

3. Clogging Champions of America

    • CCA Showdown of Champions in Knoxville, Tennessee during January

4. America On Stage

    • Competitions held in Utah and Idaho
    • Clog Nationals at Lagoon Amusement Park in Farmington, Utah during May

More Clogging Resources

Find a Clogging Group iClog List

Copper Country Cloggers

      • Clogging Step Dictionary
      • Beginner Booklet

Kelli M. McChesney's Clogging Page

European Callers and Teachers Association (ECTA)

      • Clogging Step List (download)
      • Cue Sheet Database


iClog List of Workshops organized by state calendar

Cue Sheets cue sheet database

C.L.O.G. National Dance List

Kerri Orthner's List of Cue Sheet Sites

Magazines & Newsletters

Doubletoe Times

Clog Today Newsletter


Kerri Orthner's List of Clogging Videos

Clogging YouTube Channel

Circle and Square Dance Figures

Bill Martin's Collection of Southern Square Dance Figures

(Little Circles, Big Circles, Squares)

Hugh Stewart's Running Sets Dance Figures

(Kentucky Running Set)

Dick Oakes' Collection of Folk Dance Descriptions

(Arm Positions & Couple Dance Positions)

© Angela Dansie All Rights Reserved

Videos and content on this site are for personal use only.

Do not duplicate, distribute, or use for commercial purposes.